Twelve weeks ago today, my husband Gordon and I made a mad dash from Sydney, Australia to our home in the Scottish highlands, Blossom Cottage. We knew the serenity and outdoor space surrounding the cottage would be best for us in the coming weeks of lockdown, and it certainly has been, but with the loss of employment and social and sporting activities, idle time has been ample. I needed a project. I've always loved to bake and am known in our social circle for "bringing a cake." Keen to improve my baking and decorating skills I started perusing my favourite cake blogs, but with only two mouths to feed, cake baking was not a feasible activity to pass the time... or was it? One recipe reduced to a third and a kidney bean can cake cutter later, the mini-cake was born! (or at least my version of it!). I'll share the pared down recipes and tips I've found with you over the next few weeks.
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All the best things come in small packages
Nice. I just saw your Pinterest page today
What a nice way to share